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how to update an object in symfony 3?

I want to update profile infos, but after everything I have done nothing happened..

I work using ajax to send data from twig to updateAction ..

ajax :

 $(document).ready(function ()
            $("#btnEnregistrer").click(function () {

                var URL = "{{path('profile_update')}}";
                var n = $('#txtNom').val();
                var nAr = $('#txtNomAr').val();
                var pre = $('#txtPrenom').val();
                var preAr = $('#txtPrenomAr').val();
                var passOld = $('#txtPassOld').val();
                var pass1 = $('#txtPassNew').val();
                var pass2 = $('#txtPassNew2').val();
                var dateN = $('#txtDateN').val();
                var ad = $('#txtAdresse').val();
                var adAr = $('#txtAdresseAr').val();
                var mob = $('#txtMobile').val();
                var fixe = $('#txtFixe').val();

                var sexe ;

                 var DATA = 'nom='+n+'&nomAr='+nAr+'&prenom='+pre+'&prenomAr='+preAr+'&sexe='+sexe+'&passOld='+passOld+'&passNew='+pass1+'&passNew2='+pass2+'&dateN='+dateN+'&adresse='+ad+'&adresseAr='+adAr+'&mobile='+mob+'&fixe='+fixe;

                 type: "POST",
                    url: URL,
                    data: DATA,
                    cache: false


{{path('profile_update')}} is the route of updateAction :

public function updateAction(Request $request)
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
        if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {

        $utilisateur = $this->get('session')->get('user');

        $Vparam = $em->getRepository('ParametersBundle:Parameter')->findOneBy(['id' => $utilisateur->getVille()]);


        $s = $request->get('sexe');

        if($s == "Homme")


        if($request->get('passOld') !="" && $request->get('passNew') !="" && $request->get('passNew2') !="")
            if($request->get('passOld') == self::getHash($utilisateur->getPassword(), $utilisateur->getSalt()))
                if($request->get('passNew') == $request->get('passNew2'))
                    $utilisateur->setPassword(self::getHash($request->get('passNew'), $utilisateur->getSalt()));
                    return $this->redirectToRoute('ens_profile');
               return $this->redirectToRoute('ens_profile');


        return $this->redirectToRoute('ens_profile');


route.yml :

    path:     /connexion
    defaults: { _controller: PersonsBundle:Default:connexion }

    path:     /deconnexion
    defaults: { _controller: PersonsBundle:Default:deconnexion }

    path:     /Enseignant/profile
    defaults: { _controller: PersonsBundle:Enseignant:profile }

    path:     /Enseignant/profile/miseajour
    defaults: { _controller: PersonsBundle:Enseignant:update }

the parameters show up in Symfony Profiler as POST Parameters .. but when I look at the table in database, I found that nothing happened .. So, what is the problem? and how can I solve it?


First, you're doing something really odd... Instead of having javascript fetch your user data in the DOM, why don't you use a form and submit it directly?

You seems rather new to Symfony, so I will suggest the best method for you to learn how Symfony does things... Use the commands lines to generate entities, controllers, forms, and so on...

Here is a list of the most user commands to work with Symfony:

Create a bundle
php bin/console generate:bundle

Create an entity
php bin/console doctrine:generate:entity

Refresh all entities getters and setters within a bundle
php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities *NameBundle*

Refresh one entity getters and setters
php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities *NameBundle:Entity*

Check entities relations and and database squeleton
php bin/console d:s:v

Create entity form type
php bin/console doctrine:generate:for

Create entity controller, form type and view
php bin/console doctrine:generate:crud --with-write

Dump SQL changes into console.
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
Use before updating skeleton to check if every is as you want it.

Apply SQL changes
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

List all existing routes into the console.
php bin/console debug:router

Clear production cache
php bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup --env=prod

Clear developemnt cache
php bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup --env=dev'

Because it make things easier, I would suggest you to use annotation for routes instead of yml.

For your code, it's a real mess and not valid as is...
If you were using a form, this is how the basic edit action should looks like

public function editAction(Request $request, User $user) {
    $editForm=$this->createForm(UserType::class, $user);
    if($editForm->isSubmitted() && $editForm->isValid()) {

        return $this->redirectToRoute('_edit', array('id'=>$user->getId()));

    return $this->render('security/edit.html.twig', array(

You code is missing the form part, and is really dangerous as is...
As a good example, you don't submit any form token, which will result in a fail when you try to update database.

I'm afraid that providing help on your code it quite impossible as you're not using symfony as you should.

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