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Graphql mutation query not working with express-graphql

I am new to graphql. I am using express-graphql to generate graphql queries on REST APIs for petSore schema. I am able to get the result for GET APIs using graphql Queries but I am unable to get response for POST/PUT APIs using Mutations . ) To create pet I am using mutation as,

 mutation {
     addPet(body: {id: "111", name: "doggie", photoUrls:["http://localhost:3000/pics/doggie"]}) {

While running this query on localhost:3000/graphql I am getting error on backend(nodejs error) as,

uncaughtException: First argument must be a string or Buffer...

It would be great if someone help me to understand what I am doing wrong here...

Node.js code :

'use strict';
 var graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');
 var graphQLSchema = require('swagger-to-graphql');
 var pathToSwaggerSchema = require('./schema.json');

 module.exports = function(server) {
 var router = server.loopback.Router();
 router.get('/', server.loopback.status());
 graphQLSchema(pathToSwaggerSchema).then(schema => {
 server.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP((req) => {
    return {
      schema: schema,
      context: {
      GQLProxyBaseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api/v2/',
    graphiql: true,
  }).catch(e => {
   throw e;

The process which I have to follow is:

  1. Converting swagger to graphql schema.
  2. Provide generated graphql schema as an input for express-graphql.
  3. GQLProxyBaseUrl is backend url for all petstore REST APIs.

the mutation declaration is not added on the code. Please add the mutation

Provided link to know how to do mutation enter link description here

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