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Typescript/Javascript: mailto with subject, body and array of links

I work on Angular 4. On click of hyperlink I have to open outlook, in the mail I will have to send 4 links. So I have planned to call a mailto from my typescript file. My code is

    <span (click)="mailMe()">Mail me the links</span>

    var links= ["link1.com", "link2.com", "link3.com"];
        var mail = document.createElement("a");
        mail.href = "mailto:abc@abc.com?subject=files&body=Hi";

I am able to call the function but mail is not popping up. In console 111111 is getting printed but 22222 is not getting printed. Where did I go wrong? OR is there a way I can send the array of links from HTML itself?

you want to achieve like this

<a href="mailto:xyz@example.com?Subject=Hello&body=links:  %0D 
         http://link1.com  %0D http://link1.com " target="_top">Send Mail</a>

in angular you can do it like this , in html

<a [href]="emailstring" target="_top"></a>

in ts file do like this

 emailstring= "mailto:xyz@example.com?Subject=Hello&body=links:  %0D 
             http://link1.com  %0D http://link1.com";

Haven't tested with angular but check it with pure html. and its working on chrome.

You can achieve this in IE with a simple window.location.href as IE has some weird behavior with mailto .Here I am using the same <span> from your code with the links array.

Example code for IE :

import { Component} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
     <span (click)="mailMe()">Mail me the links on (click)</span>
export class AppComponent {
  name = 'test';
  links : any[]= ["link1.com", "link2.com", "link3.com"];

  mailText:string = "";

    this.mailText = "mailto:abc@abc.com+?subject=files&body="+this.links.join(" ,"); // add the links to body
    window.location.href = this.mailText;


The below example might not work in IE but it's tested in Chrome. Here i have used anchor tag and set the href attribute in typescript.

Example for Chrome and others

import { Component,OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
     <a [href]="mailText">Mail me the links</a> <br>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  name = 'test';
  links : any[]= ["link1.com", "link2.com", "link3.com"];

  mailText:string = "";

    this.mailText = "mailto:abc@abc.com+?subject=files&body="+this.links.join(" ,");


Here is a working demo : https://stackblitz.com/edit/attribute-binding-1-7wncwf

Here is the simple HTML JavaScript code. This will help you to write your own.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    function mailMe (mail) // <--- element on which you need to apply click
        mail = document.createElement("a");
        mail.href = "mailto:abc@abc.com?subject=files&body=Hi";
    <span onClick = "mailMe(this);" >  <!-- pass it from here -->
         Mail me the links
    </span >

You can use a function from the template to achieve more complexe variable building

<a [href]="mailto('example@mail.com', 'newSubject')">

Then in your TS file just return the proper anchor href string

mailto(emailAddress: string, emailSubject: any) {
    return "mailto:" + emailAddress + "?subject=" + emailSubject

To create a Mailto link, you need to use the HTML tag with its href attribute, and insert a "mailto:" parameter after it, like the following:

<a href="mailto:username@gmail.com">


<a href="https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=username@gmail.com" target="_blank">username@gmail.com</a>
<a href="mailto:{{email}}">Contact via E-mail</a>

this works in HTML file of an angular app

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