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how to separate each and every column in the mysql db row ? in laravel


public function getback(Request $request)

    $chart = DB::table('BirthChart_1')
             ->where('FileId', 123)

            return $chart;


output be like


I want to get access each and every column separately , I put like that

return $chart["k1"];

got error ...

my main task is take the each column's data send into script


return $chart[0]["k1"];

Controller be like

public function getback(Request $request)

    $chart = DB::table('BirthChart_1')
             ->where('FileId', 123)

            foreach ($chart as $key ) {
                $f[] = [$key->k1,$key->k2,$key->k3,$key->k4,$key->k5,$key->k6,$key->k7,$key->k8,$key->k9,$key->k10];


            return response()->json($f);

output of the result


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