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webpack 4 and d3 es6 imports not working

I'm trying to use webpack4 to bundle a d3 based client application. However when the code is bundled it produces the following error:

/* Cannot get final name for export "default" in "./node_modules/d3-selection/index.js" 
(known exports: , known reexports: create creator local matcher mouse namespace namespaces 
clientPoint select selectAll selection selector selectorAll style touch touches 
window event customEvent) */
  .attr('id', 'mycanvas')
  .attr('width', 640)
  .attr('height', 480);

In my source I have

import selection from 'd3-selection';
  .attr('id', 'mycanvas')
  .attr('width', 640)
  .attr('height', 480);

I'm not sure if this is a related symptom or not but when I try import selection as d3sel from 'd3-selection'; i get an error from webpack about not being able to pase the statement.

My package.json file looks like:

"devDependencies": {
  "d3-selection": "^1.3.0",
  "webpack": "^4.10.2",
  "webpack-cli": "^3.0.2"

Perhaps selection isn't the default export?


import { selection } from 'd3-selection';

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