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socket.emit and wait until user response after that resolve promise

I am writing web app which controls hardware. I have a server communicated with the device through the serial port. Everything works except the interaction with a user. The device has registers which I repeatedly ask waiting for some values. If some values come, I emit an event to the client and confirmation box appears. The user selects resume or abort. After that client emit the response (true or false) and I would like to resolve this response in my promise function. I need to catch response from the user exactly in the function because I have a sequence of actions I need to proceed. Promise after promise. It seems that my function ends before the user answers. How to solve this problem?

this is my code on the server:

waitUserResponse(message) {
    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
      const handler = function(data) {
        console.log('userAnswer = ', data);
      this.io.sockets.emit('alerts', message);
      this.io.sockets.once('userAnswer', handler);

this is my code on the client:

componentDidMount() {
    const confirmDialog = (msg) => {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        let confirmed = window.confirm(msg);
    socket.on('alerts', data => {
      confirmDialog(data).then(data => {
        socket.emit('userAnswer', data);


io.sockets.connected[socket.id].once('userResponce', handler);

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