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Apache 2.4 Reverse proxy to Node Application on Docker

I have a dedicated server on Apache 2.4 and I made a node application which is running on a Docker container and listenning on the port 5847

So I am trying to configure my apache to make a reverse Proxy to http://my.url.com:5847 on a Debian 8 machine

When I made this, I have the start page of apache "It Works" but not my application. Of course, If I check http://my.url.com:5847 in my navigator, it works fine, but why my reverse Proxy doesn't work?

This is my my.url.com.conf apache config file :

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin hello@my-url.com
    ServerName my.url.com
    ProxyPass "/" "http://my.url.com:5847/"
    ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://my.url.com:5847/"

So I'm quite desesperate, I also tried to add

<Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

I also tried with Required all granted , I tried with the <Location /> directive, with ProxyRequests Off and On too but nothing is working and I don't understand what is going wrong...

Can you help me please? What am I doing wrong?

This wks for me (apache 2.4, node.js runs in on port 3003), on Debian 8

<VirtualHost feed.mydomain.net:3003>
    ServerName feed.mydomain.net
    ServerAdmin yves@mydomain.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html

    <Location />
        ProxyPassReverse http://feed.mydomain.net:3003/
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

    LogLevel trace1 ssl:warn rewrite:trace1

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined


Okay, so ... I think I found my error, I was writing an conf archive without .conf extension in sites-enabled and that's why apache wasn't taking my configuration... I re-made my configuration file in sties-enabled and then enabled it from apache with a2ensite my.url.com.conf and now it works...

Sorry for the bas question, nothing to do with reverse proxy!

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