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Conditional Rendering in a HTML tag

I have to check weather the user is available, if so the background style is set. I can simply do this via PHP with a if statement, although how would this be done with react?

What I have so far:

<a className={classes} onClick={this.toggleDialog} { theUser.get('isAvailable') == 1 && style={{backgroundColor: "rgba(39, 174, 96, .15)"}} }  > 



There's more than one way to use conditional expressions in React:


Prevent rendering with null

Element variables

Ternary operator

Short-circuit operator (&& )

Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)


High Order Components (HOCs)

If you are new to react I highly recommend to read the following: https://blog.logrocket.com/conditional-rendering-in-react-c6b0e5af381e

Using ternary operator for inline styling:

<a style={ theUser.get('isAvailable') == 1 ? { backgroundColor: "rgba(39, 174, 96, .15)" } : {} } />

It's an option to use class names conditionally , because it's much cleaner: (there's already a great library, classnames ):

const classes = classNames({
  'available': theUser.get('isAvailable') == 1,
  'italics': true, // Will add `italics` className
  'bold': false, // Won't add `bold` className

<a className={classes} />

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