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Flask-RESTplus CORS request not adding headers into the response

I have an issue trying to setup CORS for my REST API. I'm currently using the Flask-Restplus package. Here's what my endpoints look like :

@api_ns.response(code=400, description='Bad Request.')
class AEndpointResource(Resource):

    def post(self) -> Tuple[my_api_models.MyEndpointResponse, int]:
        The post body
        # Some logic here
        return response, 200

If I code a small javascript snippet and I try to launch it in a browser, I will get an error because there's no CORS headers. I'm seeing the Flask-Restplus is already handling the OPTIONS request without me telling him anything. (This makes sense according to this link , mentioning that since Flask 0.6, the OPTIONS requests are handled automatically)

My problem is that even when I try to decorate my endpoint using :

from flask-restplus import cors   # <--- Adding this import

class AnEndpointResource(Resource):
    @cors.crossdomain(origin='*')  # <--- Adding this new decorator on my endpoint
    def post(self) -> Tuple[my_api_models.MyEndpointResponse, int]:

Nothing changes and I still get the same result as before. I get an HTTP 200 from the OPTIONS request automatically handled as before, but I don't see my new headers (ie Access-Control-Allow-Origin) in the response.

Am I missing something ?

Using Flask-CORS , it works:

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restplus import Resource, Api, fields
from flask_cors import CORS

# configuration
DEBUG = True

# instantiate the app
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

# enable CORS
CORS(app, resources={r'/*': {'origins': '*'}})

When doing local testing on my laptop and in my browser, I was able to solve the cors problem by adding the header in the response.

before: return state, 200

after: return state, 200, {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}

I tested and the headers you are looking for are added to the response to the subsequent GET request. The decorator @cors.crossdomain has an option automatic_options which is set to be True by default. This means your OPTIONS request will still be handled automatically.

See this test to check how it should work.

The flask_restplus.cors module is not documented so not sure if you should use it.

I had a CORS problem as well and solved itthis way :

from flask import Flask
from flask_restplus import Api

app = Flask('name')
api = Api(app)

// your api code here

def after_request(response):
    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    return response

The problem is that flask-restplus only assigns CORS headers to the GET request. When the browser makes an OPTIONS request, this method isn't handled by a method on the Resource class. Then you get a flickering CORS header: one request it works, the next it doesn't, etc

When a 404 is raised, this also skips the CORS decorator.

A workaround for these bugs is using something like:

def exception_to_response(func):
    def _exc_to_resp_decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            return self.api.handle_error(e)

    return _exc_to_resp_decorator

class SomeEndpoint(Resource):
    def options(self):
        # Make sure the OPTIONS request is also handled for CORS
        # The "automatic_options" will handle this, no need to define a return here:

    @api.response(200, "Success")
    def get(self):
        return {"json-fields": 123}, 200

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