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How to send a private message to user on MSTeams?

I want to send a private message to user. Currently, what I have are:

  • user id
  • tenant id
  • bot

Here is my sample code to try to send message:

var address =
    channelId: 'msteams',
    user: { id: user.id },
    channelData: {
        tenant: {
            id: "cscportal.onmicrosoft.com"
        id: bot.id,
        name: bot.name
    serviceUrl: "https://smba.trafficmanager.net/amer-client-ss.msg/",
    useAuth: true

var msg = new builder.Message().address(address);
msg.text("Hello! This is a sample message.");

My sample code does not work because of something wrong in my address. Can you help me to find a way to send a private message to user?

Note: I don't have conversation ID

You need the user's unique ID and tenant ID to send a proactive message. Typically, these are obtained from a team context, either by fetching the team roster or when a user interacts with your bot in a channel. Please check documentation on how to create personal conversation . Please also read about Proactive Messages .

Here is the source code for Node.js sample for Proactive Messages .

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