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Navigate Content Pages MVVM xamarin

Can someone teach me how to navigate between pages of content? I have been reading many tutorials but I have not been able to achieve it. I have this small code I want to achieve that when pressing the buttons I change between the pages. I use MVVM model there is my MainViewModel

public class MainViewModel
    public Page1 PageNumberOne { get; set; }
    public Page2 PageNumberTwo { get; set; }

    public MainViewModel()
        this.PageNumberOne = new Page1();


there is my view model of Page1

public class Page1
    #region constructor
    public Page1()
        GoPage2Command = new Command(async () => await GoPage2());

    private async Task GoPage2()
        await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Goin to page 2", "ok");
        //code to go PageNumberTwo here

    #region Commands
    public Command GoPage2Command { get; set; }

GoPage2Command is binding to a button. there is my complete project up load to MF VS proyect

Simply call

Navigation.PushAsync(new ContentPage());

INavigation.PushAsync Method

Asynchronously adds a Page to the top of the navigation stack.

Example from the page

var newPage = new ContentPage ();
await Navigation.PushAsync (newPage);
Debug.WriteLine ("the new page is now showing");
var poppedPage = await Navigation.PopAsync ();
Debug.WriteLine ("the new page is dismissed");
Debug.WriteLine (Object.ReferenceEquals (newPage, poppedPage)); //prints "true"

Your Exmaple

private async Task GoPage2()
    await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Goin to page 2", "ok");
    //code to go PageNumberTwo here
    Navigation.PushAsync(new PageNumberTwo());        

I found the problem, I was using Xamarin Live to do the tests, connecting by cable does not give any error. I do not recommend using Xamarin Live not only gives that problem but many more

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