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Is there anyway only minify less and react components for node_modules with webpack without bundling them?

I'm creating a node_modules package with many React components that can be installed into node_modules folder later on, each component has got a few import js and less ...

I'd like to minify each component separately, make it es5 module exported to be used in react-app separately, minify them separately (both javascript and less) without bundling imported modules from npm (they stay required)...

I tried some ways which kind of working, but any good way to stop webpack bundling? how the webpack.config.js gonna look like in this case?

You could export webpack config as an array of configs for each modules:

module.exports = [
    entry: './src/apple',
    mode: 'production',
    output: {
      library: 'apple',
      libraryTarget: 'umd',
      filename: 'apple.min.js',
    entry: './src/orange',
    mode: 'production',
    output: {
      library: 'orange',
      libraryTarget: 'umd',
      filename: 'orange.min.js',

Note this is a webpack 4 example, but previous versions also allow an array (they don't have mode though). If there is shared config you can of course spread/merge in shared parts for each item.

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