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selected attribute is not working on <option> - ANGULAR

I'm working with dropdowns and select2, and I need to edit product, and ofcourse that selected product contains a belonging group/category in a dropdown, but that group is not selected when I open modal, even if value is there, here is how I tried to achieve it:

1.) Fill dropdown with all categories (it works) ( *ngFor="let category of mainGroups )

2.) Select corresponding value based on selected article (it doesnt work)

<div class="form-category">
  <label class="control-label dash-control-label col-xs-3">Product category:</label>
  <div class="col-xs-9">
    <select touch-enter-directive [ref]="ref" [nextFocusElement]="articleSubGroup" id="mainGroupSelectEdit" class="form-control dash-form-control select2" style="width: 100%;"
            data-minimum-results-for-search="Infinity" name="mainGroupSelectEdit" required (change)="filterSubById(article.groupId)" [(ngModel)]="article.groupId">
      <option disabled>-/-</option>
      <option [value]="category.id" *ngFor="let category of mainGroups" [selected]="category.id==='a0e25215-a60e-4444-b6ac-4521b7de4b37'">{{category.title}}</option>
    {{article.mainGroup.id}} <- here is shown value a0e25215-a60e-4444-b6ac-4521b7de4b37, so I thought that value should be selected in dropdown

As you can see guys I've used


because I thought this might work like this, but obliviously it can not..

You have the model of the select set to article.groupId .

It doesn't matter if you use [selected] as long as the article.groupId remains unchanged.

If you want the option a0e25215-a60e-4444-b6ac-4521b7de4b37 to be selected, you need to assign the a0e25215-a60e-4444-b6ac-4521b7de4b37 value to the article.groupId property. In this case the ngModel sets the selected attribute as long as it's value is equal to one of the options.

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