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Ethereum Web3.js : Intrinsic Gas too low

I have been trying to send a transaction on the Ethereum testnet Rinkeby for the past few days and keep getting this error no matter how much I increase the gas and gwei to. "Unhandled rejection Error: Returned error: intrinsic gas too low"

The data I am sending is:-


After it has been converted to a Hex.

I have added my code below.

 var number = web3.eth.getTransactionCount(address).then(function(count) { console.log("Count " + count); var privateKey = new EthJS.Buffer.Buffer(privateKey, 'hex'); console.log(web3.utils.toHex(finalAnswers)); var rawTx = { nonce: web3.utils.toHex(count), to: '0xF1aA87F7058e5ABE561cCe8A466eE1CC17d69639', value: 0, data: web3.utils.toHex(finalAnswers), gas: 50000, gasPrice: web3.utils.toWei('300', 'gwei') }; var tx = new EthJS.Tx(rawTx); tx.sign(privateKey); var serializedTx = tx.serialize(); web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction('0x' + serializedTx.toString('hex')).on('receipt', console.log); });

In my case, some of the methods has to bet set Gas Limit manually so I switch to a default gas limit for transaction. In pancakeswap reference, it is 20,000 units https:\/\/github.com\/pancakeswap\/pancake-frontend\/blob\/master\/src\/config\/index.ts#L31<\/a> You might adapt the prop to gas<\/code> though

const txReceipt = await callWithGasPrice(
                    value: `0x${inputAmount.raw.toString(16)}`,
                    gasLimit: DEFAULT_GAS_LIMIT,

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