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Aurelia view model showing error after adding hyperlink tag

I am using Aurelia Dialog Service for model pop up, when i use hyperlink tag inside view model (model popup), it is showing error as Message: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Here is the code:-


import { autoinject, observable,PLATFORM } from 'aurelia-framework'; 
import { DialogController, DialogService } from 'aurelia-dialog';
import { PreviewWorkbook } from './../../components/preview-workbook/preview- workbook';
   constructor(private _lg: AppLogger, private _dlgs: DialogService,
     ) {  }
public PreviewMenu(e: Event): void { 
        viewModel:  PreviewWorkbook, model: Workbooks
    }).whenClosed(rsp => {
        this._lg.log("Preview Menu Cancelled");

when i click on PreviewMenu() in homepage.html i am getting below error


PreviewWorkbook HTML page:-

       Preview WorkBook
        <div repeat.for="workbook of workbooks">
            <a href="${workbook.Link}"> ${workbook.Name} </a>
        <button class="btn btn-info" click.delegate="save()">Save</button>
        <button class="btn btn-default" click.delegate="cancel()">Cancel</button>

If i just use just ul,li to bind the values it is working fine.

Adding an anchor tag in dialog body causes infinite loop or Maximum call stack size exceeded.


In HomePage.ts

I tried to modify the code by adding the below line in the constructor:

constructor(private controller: DialogController) {

So in HomePage.ts

import { autoinject, observable,PLATFORM } from 'aurelia-framework'; 
import { DialogController, DialogService } from 'aurelia-dialog';
import { PreviewWorkbook } from './../../components/preview-workbook/preview-Workbook';
constructor(private _lg: AppLogger, private _dlgs: DialogService) {
    public PreviewMenu(e: Event): void { 
    viewModel:  PreviewWorkbook, model: Workbooks
}).whenClosed(rsp => {
    this._lg.log("Preview Menu Cancelled");

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