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How can i custom devise_error_messages?

I want to show this:

  • Email can not be blank
  • Password can not be blank

But i see:

Email can not be blank Password can not be blank

This is Devise_Helper:

module DeviseHelper
  def devise_error_messages!
    return '' if resource.errors.empty?

    messages = resource.errors.full_messages.map { |msg| content_tag(:li, msg) }.join
    html = <<-HTML

    <div class="alert alert-error alert-danger"> <button type="button"
    class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>


You surely have to change the .yml files settled in:


Each error has a key and a value .Just change the value you wanted to see and if you don't have the file you can either generate it by yourself or clone it from here .

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