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GCP SSL Certificate Installation Error "The Certificate data is invalid. Please ensure that the private key and public certificate match

I bought an SSL certificate from godaddy.com. My website is hosted on Google Cloud Portal (GCP). I generated the private rsa key using the methods provided on the GCP support website.

First I generated a rsa key and a CSR using the below commands

openssl genrsa -out example.key 2048
openssl req -new -key example.key -out example.csr

Then I copied the csr text to godaddy and generated a certificate. From the merchant site, I downloaded the certificate. Before downloading the certificate, there was an option to select 'Server Type'. Following options were present:

  • Apache
  • Exchange
  • IIS
  • Mac OS X
  • Tomcat
  • Other

I selected "Other" and clicked 'Download'. A zip file was downloaded that had two files:

  • ce123abc4567wxyz.crt
  • gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt

To install the certificate, I went to GCP App Engine > Settings > SSL Certificate > Upload a new Certificate. Here, I have to copy the certificate and the key. There are two text boxes

  1. PEM encoded X.509 public key certificate
  2. Unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key

I copied the RSA private key from step-1, into the 2nd text box. Now the problem is that the 1st text box (where i have to enter the public key) is not accepting any of ther files present in the certificate zip folder that I downloaded from the merchant site. I get the error

The Certificate data is invalid. Please ensure that the private key and public certificate match

I tried copying either of the files to the 1st text box. I also copied both the file texts into the box. But nothing is working. Please help.

A .crt file is probably not in .PEM format, and if not you need to convert it. See, for example, How to convert .crt to .pem

This was resolved. The certificates didn't work so I eventually regenerated the certificates. I copied only the 'public key' part of the certificate file. And made sure no spaces, no extra lines are copied.

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