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Angular ngFor li html element set style

<ul class="days">
    <liclass="day" *ngFor="let day of currentDays; let i = index"(click)="setStyle()">

My question is how to add style to exactly specified element in list, when i use ngClass styles are added to all elements? It posible using method add pass reference to element and set style?

You can conditionally set using ngStyle. refer the following code.

<div [ngStyle]="{'background-color':isTrue === true ? 'green' : 'red' }"></<div>

Or refer the stackblitz link for another solution.

enter link description here

You can use

<li [class.your-class]="expression">

For example:

<li [class.mat-elevation-z10]="i === selectedElement">

Or you can use ngClass with expressions

<li [ngClass]="{'first': true, 'second': true, 'third': false}">

Where first , second and third are your classes and true , true , false are the expressions. In the example above, both first and second class would be applied.

You can set different class to each element

<ul class="days">
    <li *ngFor="let day of currentDays; let i = index" [class]="'day'+(index+1)">

in css set style to each one:


You can use ngClass itself with conditions. You can replace RequiredDay string with variable.

<ul class="days">
    <li [ngClass]="{'desiredClass':day === 'RequiredDay'}" *ngFor="let day of currentDays; let i = index" (click)="setStyle()">

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