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Laravel route without prefix name

I'm trying to utilize the Laravel landing page route. For example Laravel takes you to the welcome page by default, and it has no url text after the slash.

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

In my welcome page I'm using following condition to apply styling based on the route name.

{!! Route::is('/')? 'class="index"':'' !!}

However this code doesn't work. How can I check the route of the welcome page properly?

Edit: Using "Request" instead of "Route" makes it work. However for consistency's sake I would like to know if it can be done using "Route" too.

try this


or more simply

if(Request::is('/')) {

Try this:

<li class="@if (request()->is('/')) index @endif"></li>
    // ...

You can use wildcards as well with this:

<li class="@if (request()->is('/some-url/*')) active @endif">
    // ...

Name your route and use this name to condition your styling

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

In your blade

{!! (Route::currentRouteName() == 'home')? 'class="index"':'' !!}


<li {!! Request::is('/') ? 'class=index' : '' !!}>...</li>
Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

in blade

class = "default class @if(\Request::route()->getName() == 'home')your_class @endif"

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