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Run-time error '1004' while protecting sheets

Running a system that is triggered by a control box. The code unprotects nearly all the sheets in the program using the following code (no problems):

Sub UnprotectSheets()

    Dim wks As Worksheet

    For Each wks In Worksheets
        If wks.Name Like "Source Data Table" Or wks.Name Like "Permit Route Dashboard" _
        Or wks.Name Like "Administrative Tasks" Or wks.Name Like "RP Calculation" Then GoTo Nextwks
        wks.Unprotect Password:="Password"

End Sub

The program then conducts an analysis. At the end, I want to protect the same sheets, using the following code

Sub ProtectSheets()

    Dim wks As Worksheet

    For Each wks In Worksheets
        If wks.Name Like "Source Data Table" Or wks.Name Like "Permit Route Dashboard" _
        Or wks.Name Like "Administrative Tasks" Or wks.Name Like "RP Calculation" Then GoTo Nextwks
        wks.Protect Password:="Password"

End Sub

However - I keep receiving the following error every time:

Run-time error '1004' Method 'Protect' of object _Worksheet' failed

Any help is appreciated. Thank you

The problem is that you are trying to protect an already protected sheet. Thus, simply run this:

Option Explicit

Sub TestMe()

    Dim wks As Worksheet

    For Each wks In Worksheets
        If wks.ProtectContents Then
            Debug.Print wks.Name & " is protected!"
            Debug.Print wks.Name & " is not protected!"
        End If
    Next wks

End Sub

Then go to the immediate window ( Ctrl + G ) and take a look at the report written there. It should look like this:

Sheet1 is not protected!
Sheet2 is protected!

In general, try to avoid GoTo in VBA (and in every programming language), unless it is for error-catching. People become mad when they see these.

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