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Code splitting route components wrapped in a HOC with React Loadable

I am running into problems using React Loadable with route based code splitting using Webpack 3.11.

When I try to render my app on the server my async modules immediately resolve without waiting for the promise. Thus the SSR output becomes <div id="root"></div> .


const App = () => (
    {routes.map((route, index) => (
      <Route key={index} path={route.path} render={routeProps => {
        const RouteComponent = route.component
        return <RouteComponent {...routeProps} />
      }} />

I've defined my async route components with React Loadable like this:


function Loading ({ error }) {
  if (error) {
    return 'Oh nooess!'
  } else {
    return <h3>Loading...</h3>

const Article = Loadable({
  loader: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "Article" */ '../components/contentTypes/Article'),
  loading: Loading

const Page = Loadable({
  loader: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "Page" */ '../components/contentTypes/Page'),
  loading: Loading,
  render (loaded, props) {
    let Component = WithSettings(loaded.default)
    return <Component {...props}/>

export default [
    path: `/:projectSlug/:env${getEnvironments()}/article/:articleSlug`,
    component: Article,
    exact: true
    path: `/:projectSlug/:env${getEnvironments()}/:menuSlug?/:pageSlug?`,
    component: Page


export default (WrappedComponent: any) => {
  class WithSettings extends React.Component<WithSettingsProps, WithSettingsState> {
    static displayName = `WithSettings(${WrappedComponent.displayName || WrappedComponent.name || 'Component'})`

    state = {
      renderWidth: 1200

    componentDidMount () {
      this.loadSettings({ match: { params: { projectSlug: '', env: '' } } })
      window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize)

    componentWillUnmount () {
      if (isClient) {
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onResize)

    componentDidUpdate (oldProps) {

    onResize = () => {
      this.setState({ renderWidth: this.getLayoutWidth() })

    getLayoutWidth () {
      return (document.body && document.body.offsetWidth) || 0

    loadSettings (oldProps) {
      const { settings, request, getNewSettings } = this.props
      const { projectSlug: oldProjectSlug, env: oldEnv } = oldProps.match.params
      const { projectSlug: newProjectSlug, env: newEnv } = this.props.match.params

      if (
          oldProjectSlug !== newProjectSlug ||
          oldEnv !== newEnv
        ) ||
          settings === undefined ||
          (request.networkStatus === 'ready')
      ) {

    render () {
      const { settings, request, history, location, match } = this.props
      const { renderWidth } = this.state

      if (!settings || !request || request.networkStatus === 'loading') {
        return <div />

      if (request.networkStatus === 'failed') {
        return <ErrorBlock {...getErrorMessages(match.params, 'settings')[4044]} fullscreen match={match} />

      return (

  hoistNonReactStatic(WithSettings, WrappedComponent)

  return connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(WithSettings)

I've managed to narrow it down to the WithSettings HOC that I am using to wrap my route components in. If I don't use the WithSettings HOC (as with the Article route) then my SSR output waits for the async import to complete, and the server generated html includes markup related to the route (good!). If I do use the HOC (as with the Page route) then the module immediately resolves and my SSR output turns into <div id="root"></div because it no longer waits for the dynamic import to complete before rendering. Problem is: I need the WithSettings HOC in all my routes as it fetches required data from the server that I need to render the app.

Can anyone tell me how I can use a HOC and use React Loadable's async component for route components so that it works on the server?

Managed to figure it out.

It was due to my HOC. In the render method it would return <div /> when settings or request where undefined or request.networkStatus is loading . It turns out this tripped up server side rendering. Removing this block was enough to make it work.

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