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Accessing a map from a different jenkins file and getting key

I have a constants.groovy like below

import groovy.transform.Field

def emailDistributionList = ['catalogSuccess':'ccc@ff.com, fff.ddd@gmail.com', 'catalogFailure':'fffee@ofr.com']

return this;

Now I have a Jenkins pipeline main script as below

node ('node1') {
    stage("Read Constants") {
        script {
           def constants = evaluate readTrusted('jenkins_pipeline/constants.groovy')
           def catalogDistributionList = "${constants.emailDistributionList}"
           echo "${catalogDistributionList}"
           def successList = "${catalogDistributionList.catalogSuccess}"
           echo "${successList}"

Now first echo prints the Field from constants file sucessfully. But when I try read a key from that and print it using the second echo it throws error

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: catalogSuccess for class: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl

I think it's reading the Field from constants.groovy as a String and not a Map ?

I figured it out.

We cannot read the map to a variable and then get the key . Instead everything has to be done in one shot.

It has to be done this way

def catalogDistributionList = "${constants.emailDistributionList.catalogSuccess}"

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