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Using shareReplay(1) in Angular - still invokes http request?

I've created a demo ( ng-run ) where I have a button which invokes an Http request.

When the button is clicked, I invoke this method :

public getData(){

Which in turn invokes this ( from a service) :

 public getData() {
    return this.http.get(API_ENDPOINT).pipe(shareReplay(1))

The problem is that on every click - I still see a new http request initiated :



Why doesn't shareReplay keeps the last value of the response?
How can I make my code to invoke the http only once and keep that value for future subscriptions ?

Edit: solution is here

If you call every time this.http.get(API_ENDPOINT).pipe(shareReplay(1)) , each time http request will be triggered. If you want to make http call once and cache data, the following is recommended.

You first get the observable for data:

    this.data$ =  this._jokeService.getData().pipe(shareReplay(1));

Now subscribe multiple times:

 public getData(){

Your service:

public getData() {
    return this.http.get(API_ENDPOINT)

In service:

getData$ = this.http.get(API_ENDPOINT).pipe(shareReplay(1));

In component, need to unsubscribe and you can subscribe multiple times with single API call:

   this.data$ =  this._jokeService.getData$;

In template, use:

*ngIf="data$ | async as data"

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