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.click event is not working in safari

I have a .click event in JavaScript, it seems to be working fine in all major browsers except for safari. Code is creating a dialog box that display's an image when the submit button is clicked.

$(document).ready(new function () {
var SpinnerImage = ('<div id="dialog-message"><img src="loading.gif" /></div > ');
$("#ctl00_mainContent_AppPaymentControl1_applicationPaymentControl_payNow").click(function () {
    //show loading gif
            title: 'Loading... Please Wait'

Any help would be appreciated.

See if this works?

1  $(document).ready(function () {
2     var SpinnerImage = $("<div id='dialog-message'><img src='loading.gif' /></div>");
3     $("#ctl00_mainContent_AppPaymentControl1_applicationPaymentControl_payNow").click(function () {
4        //show loading gif
5        $('body').append(SpinnerImage);
6        $("#dialog-message").dialog(
7           {
8              title: 'Loading... Please Wait'
9           }
10       );
11    });
12 });


  • Remove new on line 1
  • Add $ on line 2
  • Fix faulty single- and double- quotes on line 2

You mentioned in a comment that #ctl00_mainContent_AppPaymentControl1_applicationPaymentControl_payNow is an <input> element. Try using the $(element).focus(callback); method instead of $(element).click(callback);

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