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Can't write string to file inside of NSSavePanel “ok” function

For some reason, I can only write a string to a file outside of NSSavePanel 's ok function. I need to write it as soon as the user says "OK, I do want to save that".

Here is my code:

//An IBAction that connects to the "Save" menu item.
@IBAction func SaveButton(_ sender: Any) {
    os_log("Save button pressed.")
    //Declares savePanel to be equal to NSSavePanel opens the save panel in a seperate window.
    let savePanel = NSSavePanel()

    let textEntryController = EntryViewController()

    //Sets a placeholder of the text we're going to write.
    func ok(_ sender: Any?){

        let entryPath = savePanel.url
        let entryFieldContents = textEntryController.entryTextField!;
        let entryText = (entryFieldContents.textStorage as NSAttributedString?)?.string
        let entryContent = entryText
        do {
            try entryContent?.write(to: entryPath!, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
        } catch {
            // failed to write file – bad permissions, bad filename, missing permissions, or more likely it can't be converted to the encoding


Instead of using runModal() you should use the more modern closure syntax:

let savePanel = NSSavePanel()
savePanel.begin { (response) in
    if response == .OK {
        // write it here

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