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Cannot find module 'webpack' - Angular

I just migrated my project from angular v5.x to v6.x and now when I try to start it with ng serve<\/code> I'm getting:

Cannot find module 'webpack'
Error: Cannot find module 'webpack'
  at Function.Module....

I had the same issue and this worked for me:

  1. Delete these files/ folders (from your Angular root folder):

    • package-lock.json ( Not the package.json)
    • /node_modules folder
    • /dist folder
  2. Execute command (regenerate the package-lock.json and the /node_modules ):

    • $npm install

Everything should work now, it was the package-lock.json that caused npm to download old versions of dependencies.

I fixed this issue with:

delete package-lock.json
delete node_modules
delete dist (if exist)

npm cache clean --force

npm install

This error mostly occurs because of old dependencies , if at all are not upgraded then it can be deleted manually by deleting the node_modules Folder and also the package-lock.json file

after that you can clean the Cache (if at all necessary) and then

npm cache clean --force
npm install

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

使用npm link webpack在本地工作时,在我的 CI(GitHub 操作)上,我遇到了同样的问题,为了解决它,我使用了:

 npm i --save-dev webpack
npm update --force


Try to see if this works...

npm uninstall --save webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack

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