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How to share the same test cases between suites in protractor

I have some test cases that can be shared between test suites

Lets say suite x and suite y share the same set of test cases (it functions).

i have made a separate .js file that has the shared code which looks something like this.

module.exports = function(a,b){
test cases..

I am trying to use this module in both x and y

this is how x looks

var common = require('./module');

describe("description", module(a,b);

can this be done? is there any other way?

The common js in my code looks like

module.exports = function(a,b) {

//some code
//some code

It(‘ads’, function(){

it(‘ads’, function(){

it(‘ads’, function(){


i want to use this as the function argument for the describe function with passable parameters in two other suites.


var common = ('./common');
describe('this is a test case', common(a,b);

is this possible?

If you have your common.js file similar to...

module.exports = function(a,b){
test cases..

And your test.js file:

var common = require('./common'); // <-- note the change

describe("description", common); // <-- you were calling module*

This is assuming your common.js exported function is a properly formatted describe function.

You could also export individual test cases like (other.js)...

module.exports = {
    testOne: function(something) { return false; },
    testTwo: function(whatever) { return true; }

And your test...

var other = require('./other');

describe("description", function() {
    it('should pass', function() {

As far as I know, you can't directly run an "it" from another file. However you can run functions, and a function can do everything an "it" can do. For example:

Helper.js (This is your function file)

export class helper{
  static itFunctionOne(){
    //Test code goes here
  static itFuncitonTwo(){
    //Test code goes here

And then in your tests

const helper = require('relative/path/to/file/helper.js');
describe('Doing test 1 stuff',function(){
  it('Should run test',function(){


const helper = require('relative/path/to/file/helper.js');
describe('Doing test 2 stuff',function(){
  it('Should run test',function(){

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