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React navigation custom header

Im trying to use react-navigation custom header like this

static navigationOptions = {
    header: <EventHeader

This header getting params previous screen as you see but im getting undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.props.navigation')

What i am doing wrong and how can i solve this ?

I hope you found the solution, but for other people which could come here :

navigationOptions can be a function which will pass navigator as first argument and can return an object. So you could write it like so :

static navigationOptions = (navigator) => { return { header: ( <EventHeader subscribestatus={navigator.navigation.getParam('status')} confirmation={navigator.navigation.getParam('confirmation')} //deleteSubscribe={this.deleteSubscribe} //joinEvent={this.joinEvent} onPress={()=>navigator.navigation.goBack()} eventname={navigator.navigation.getParam('title')} /> ) } } Unfortunately, you will not have access to this.deleteSubscribe or this.joinEvent

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