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Set variable into route title in Aurelia with Router

I want to set a route parameter into my route title.

Basically, I want to make something like this:

configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router): void {
      route: ":var1", 
      name: "myName", 
      title: "my title" + " n° " + ":var1", 
      moduleId: "x/y/z" 

I want to concatenate strings with my route parameter where var1 is my route parameter.

How can I do this?

Not when you define the router config.

But in the component itself, when it loads up, you can mutate title.

export class Z {
  activate(params, routeConfig) {
    routeConfig.navModel.setTitle("my title" + " n° " + params.val1);

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