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Push Notifications not delivered quickblox

I am trying to send push notifications for offline users, but it is not sent to the device

Environment details: ios chat app, I am using latest version from cocoapods

Expected behavior: It should show push notifications on the device

Actual behavior I have uploaded the certificate, it is showing valid

I have checked my device udid in subscription, it is showing my device udid

The sent notification also shows in queue on quickblox here is the log of sent push, it shows NULL in delivered and there is no error

 { "notification": { "id": 15460780, "badge": 45, "device_token": "0780db28ac60e37390e067f5b1d88688d804f594152827b1b28f86e670669530", "sound": "default", "alert": "Test User: Hello", "data": { "dialog_id": "5b3b4b9ba0eb474bbc0244eb", "user_id": 53886466, "message_id": "5b3b6a6b2d3084b447b7ad3d", "badge": 45, "headers": { "apns-topic": "com.company.app" }, "__rpush_content_available__": true, "__rpush_mutable_content__": true }, "expiry": 86400, "delivered": false, "delivered_at": null, "failed": false, "failed_at": null, "fail_after": "2018-07-03T13:22:05+00:00", "retries": 118, "error_code": null, "error_description": null, "deliver_after": "2018-07-03T12:31:57+00:00", "alert_is_json": null, "app_id": 23880, "collapse_key": null, "delay_while_idle": null, "registration_ids": null, "uri": null, "priority": null, "url_args": null, "category": null, "content_available": false, "mutable_content": false, "notification": null, "type": "Rpush::Client::Redis::Apns::Notification", "event_id": 24743581, "event_date": "2018-07-03T12:22:05+00:00" }, "log": [ { "device_token": "0780db28ac60e37390e067f5b1d88688d804f594152827b1b28f86e670669530", "delivered_at": null, "failed_at": null, "error_code": null, "error_description": null } ] } 

Also i have tried sending push through third party (pushtry.com) with same certificates and it is sending push but with quickblox, it is not showing any push notification

Looks like it is Quickblox server-side issue. Probably they haven't adjusted the server in appliance with recent changes in APNS. I asked their support, but they do not answer.

json push notifciation for apple payload should be in below format

    "aps": {
        "alert": "Hello World",
        "sound": "default"
    "Person": {
        "Address": "this is a test address",
        "Name": "First Name",
        "Number": "023232323233"

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