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Unable to generate 'sas' Token using angular-azure-blob-service

 if (fileUpload !== null) { const baseUrl = this.blob.generateBlobUrl(Config,'testBlobUpload'); this.config = { baseUrl: baseUrl, sasToken: Config.sas, blockSize: 1024 * 64, // OPTIONAL, default value is 1024 * 32 file: fileUpload.nativeFile, complete: () => { console.log('Transfer completed !'); }, error: () => { console.log('Error !'); }, progress: (percent) => { //this.percent = percent; } }; this.blob.upload(this.config); } export const Config: UploadParams = { sas:'?sv=2017-07-29&sr=b&sig=q80fVo0wp8SVmTcgae%2BjceUPfKjE3Eb2MYbkClm8EqQ%3D&st=2018-03-06T13%3A49%3A33Z&se=2018-11-01T13%3A49%3A33Z&sp=racw', storageAccount: 'vldevstoragefuncapp.blob.core.windows.net/vl2songs', containerName: 'vl2songs' //?sv=2017-07-29&sr=b&sig=QXVl6BcV47WiOPbM8CeNhmGpC%2FNslyN7qnI%2BopLuXyg%3D&st=2018-03-06T11%3A46%3A49Z&se=2018-11-01T11%3A46%3A50Z&sp=rw }

Using Angular5 for uploading media files on Azure blob using angular-azure-blob-service, I am facing issue with generating the 'sas' Token, If anyone Used help me, Thanks

enter image description here


To generat the SAS token in Angular 2+ you need to install - create-hmac

npm i create-hmac

need to insert to index.html


    var global = global || window;
    var Buffer = Buffer || [];
    var process = process || {
      env: { DEBUG: undefined },
      version: []

to genrate token -

public generateSasToken(resourceUri: string, signingKey: string, policyName: string, expiresInMins: number) {
    resourceUri = encodeURIComponent(resourceUri);
    let expires = (Date.now() / 1000) + expiresInMins * 60;
    expires = Math.ceil(expires);
    const toSign = resourceUri + '\n' + expires;

    // Use crypto
    const createHmac = require('create-hmac');
    const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
    const hmac = createHmac('sha256', Buffer.from(signingKey, 'base64'));
    const base64UriEncoded = encodeURIComponent(hmac.digest('base64'));

    // Construct authorization string
    let token = 'SharedAccessSignature sr=' + resourceUri + '&sig='
      + base64UriEncoded + '&se=' + expires;
    if (policyName) {
      token += '&skn=' + policyName;
    return token;

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