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can't create project using react-native init

I am getting this error again and again when creating a new project using react-native init. I reinstalled react-native cli and tried again but no luck. Can someone please tell me is there anything I can do?


I have following versions installed react-native-cli: 2.0.1 react-native: 0.56.0 node: 10.6.0 npm: 6.1.0

This error is may be because of react native version React native 0.56

Here is the link about the discussion of this issue React native 0.56.* - "Unexpected identifier"

So they suggest us to downgrade the version of react-native React Native Version List

So open the file of your project named as package.json

inside it you can find react-native": "0.56.4" replace this version with react-native": "0.55.4" or what ever the version you want

then save the file

go to the terminal or power sell

rich to the your project directory and run the command npm-install

after installation check the version of react-native by running the command react-native --version and make sure that version is which you changed in package.json

restart your project and you are ready to go without this error

This problem can be resolve in one line code nothing more

$ react-native init [projectName] --version react-native@0.55.4

what this does is that you explicitly tell that you want your project to be created with this specify version

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