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How to download pdf file in laravel 5.6?

I have stored my pdf file in files folder inside public folder. Now, i have a "Download" button inside resources/views/admin/view_data.blade.php

How to download the pdf file when i click the download button??

Try this. When you click on the button call a route and a method then use this code. You can change directory path.

public function getDownload()
  //PDF file is stored under project/public/download/info.pdf
  $file= public_path(). "/download/info.pdf";

  $headers = array(
          'Content-Type: application/pdf',

    return Response::download($file, 'filename.pdf', $headers);

只是一个小小的补充,如果您使用的是 IDE,以下内容将防止任何夸克return response()->download($file, 'filename.pdf' ,$headers);

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