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Cannot determine project or target for Architect command Angular

C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp>ng build --target=production


C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp>ng run

When I run a new project or build it give me "Cannot determine project or target for Architect command" error. I am new to Angular. Kindly give me easy solution.

Angular CLI: 6.0.8
Node: 9.3.0
OS: win32 x64
Angular: 6.0.7
>Cannot determine project or target for Architect command.
Error: Cannot determine project or target for Architect command.
    at MergeMapSubscriber._loadWorkspaceAndArchitect.pipe.operators_1.concatMap [as project] (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\@angular\cli\models\architect-command.js:62:27)
    at MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\mergeMap.js:65:27)
    at MergeMapSubscriber._next (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\mergeMap.js:55:18)
    at MergeMapSubscriber.Subscriber.next (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\Subscriber.js:64:18)
    at TapSubscriber._next (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\tap.js:62:26)
    at TapSubscriber.Subscriber.next (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\Subscriber.js:64:18)
    at MergeMapSubscriber.notifyNext (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\mergeMap.js:84:26)
    at InnerSubscriber._next (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\InnerSubscriber.js:25:21)
    at InnerSubscriber.Subscriber.next (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\Subscriber.js:64:18)
    at MapSubscriber._next (C:\Users\muhiuddin.TOWERTECH\test\testapp\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\map.js:52:26)


ng serve

See angular CLI docs - https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki

Double check command line syntax. This error can show if ng used instead of npm like when using package.json shortcut scripts.

npm run debug   (Good)
ng run debug    (Bad)

had this after upgrading to angular 6.

appears like the CLI command has changed to :

ng build --configuration <environment-name>

the migration from 5 to 6 also created a new "angular.json" file which now contains all the different configurations and their names.

Check out the cli documentation .

I believe you need to specify your project's name in the build command.

ng build [project]

Also you can do the production build with the following command.

ng build [project] --prod

Update angular.json file. Add defaultProject property (value will be the name of the desired project)

In Angular version 6, the build command is changed. Changing "build": "ng build --target=production --aot=true" to "build": "ng build --prod --aot" in package.json worked for me.

I had a similar problem after cloning the project from my repository on another machine. I used the commands:

$ npm link

$ ng serve

I had a similar problem after update the project from main branch.

I used the command: npm install

If node requires a minimum Node.js version >= v14.15.

sudo npm cache clean -f /
sudo npm install -g n /
sudo n stable /

For changing node versions

nvm install v16.10.         # Install v16.10.
nvm use v16.10.             # Use v16.10.

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