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Bypass IP restriction SSH

I have a Laravel app with CI/CD setup at BuddyWorks which lets you create deployment pipelines.

I want to use SSH action to run some config scripts (artisan...) after uploading the source code.

Unfortunately, it turned out that SSH connectivity to the hosting server is restricted to my home country, ergo can't use BuddyWorks to do the job for me. The hosting company refused my request to whitelist BuddyWorks IP's.

So here am, looking for a solution to bypass restriction. Currently, I'm investigating SSH reverse for , but not sure I'm on good path. Any help would be appreciated!

我最终编写了一个具有基本身份验证的小型http-> ssh代理服务器,该服务器通过发布请求从管道接收命令,并通过ssh连接到主机服务器,执行命令并记录到松弛状态。

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