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issue with adding datetimepicker in dynamically added table rows

I am working on a project where I am finding difficulty in adding datetimepicker to dynamically added table rows. I have added datetimepicker to static table rows and it is working fine for them but not working for dynamically added table rows.

The tutorial I am following for datetimepicker


My Code I tried: I am cloning hidden rows.

Row Clone function:

  // Table Add Function
  $('.table-add').click(function () {

    var $clone = $TABLE.find('tr.hide').clone(true).removeClass('hide table-line');            
    hid = $TABLE.find('tr.hide').attr('id');
    // //Assigning every table row a unique ID
    var max=0;
        var id=parseInt($(this).attr('id'));
        if (id>=max){
           max = id;

     //cloning row with new ID  
     $clone.attr('id', parseInt(max)+1);
     //always assign new id to new table row, will be easy to recognize rows
     $clone.find('input.myinput').attr('id', parseInt(max)+1);


     $hiddentr = $('table').find('tr.hide');

     //add dynamic word picker to cloned rows dynamically
     $clone.find('td:nth-last-child(4)').after('{% if obj.word_picker == "Y" %} <td><input id="wordpicker" style="border:none"; data-role="tagsinput" class="myinput" name="unique_tag"/></td>{% endif %}');
     $clone.appendTo( $('#'+hid).parent());
     //submitting form after row clone

HTML of hidden td:

   <div style="position: relative"> 
     <input class = "form-control" type= "text" name = "datepicker" id= "datetime">

Messy but just init datetimepisker each time after you add a row...




I was able to initialize the datetimepicker once the element was completely generated into the dom. working codepen

  function addTableRow() {  

  var tbodyElement = document.getElementById("tbody");  
  var trElement = document.createElement("tr");

  trElement.id = "generatedTr";

  for (var x=0; x<3; x++) {
      var tdElement = document.createElement("td");  
      var textNode = document.createTextNode("Generated td: " + x);

  var finalTdElement = document.createElement("td");  
  var inputElement = document.createElement("input");
  inputElement.setAttribute("type", "text");
  inputElement.id = "generatedInput";  


If you have multiple elements that are being generated that needs the datetime picker, then I would suggest creating a class on all of them, then simply instantiate the plugin against that class like so.


I would suggest don't initialize the datetimepicker every time after each element. better use following code. It will work like a charm.

I have been doing lot of research for this. Thus, Recommending to use Following code.

$('body').on('focus',".datetimepicker", function(){

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