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Keras Conv2D custom kernel initialization

I need to initialize custom Conv2D kernels with weights

W = a1b1 + a2b2 + ... + anbn

where W = custom weight of Conv2D layer to initialise with

a = random weight Tensors as keras.backend.variable(np.random.uniform()) , shape=(64, 1, 10)

b = fixed basis filters defined as keras.backend.constant(...) , shape=(10, 11, 11)

W = K.sum(a[:, :, :, None, None] * b[None, None, :, :, :], axis=2) #shape=(64, 1, 11, 11)

I want my model to update the 'W' values with only changing the 'a's while keeping the 'b's constant.

I pass the custom 'W's as

Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(11, 11), activation='relu', kernel_initializer=kernel_init_L1)(img)

where kernel_init_L1 returns keras.backend.variable(K.reshape(w_L1, (11, 11, 1, 64)))

Problem: I am not sure if this is the correct way to do this. Is it possible to specify in Keras which ones are trainable and which are not. I know that layers can be set trainable = True but i am not sure about weights.

I think the implementation is incorrect because I get similar results from my model with or without the custom initializations.

It would be immensely helpful if someone can point out any mistakes in my approach or provide a way to verify it.

Warning about your shapes: If your kernel size is (11,11) , and assuming you have 64 input channels and 1 output channel, your final kernel shape must be (11,11,64,1) .

You should probably be going for a[None,None] and b[:,:,:,None,None] .

class CustomConv2D(Conv2D):

    def __init__(self, filters, kernel_size, kernelB = None, **kwargs):
        super(CustomConv2D, self).__init__(filters, kernel_size,**kwargs)
        self.kernelB = kernelB

    def build(self, input_shape):

        #use the input_shape to calculate the shapes of A and B
        #if needed, pay attention to the "data_format" used. 

        #this is an actual weight, because it uses `self.add_weight`   
        self.kernelA = self.add_weight(
                  shape=shape_of_kernel_A + (1,1), #or (1,1) + shape_of_A
                  initializer='glorot_uniform', #or select another

        #this is an ordinary var that will participate in the calculation
            #not a weight, not updated
        if self.kernelB is None:
            self.kernelB = K.constant(....) 
            #use the shape already containing the new axes

        #in the original conv layer, this property would be the actual kernel,
        #now it's just a var that will be used in the original's "call" method 
        self.kernel = K.sum(self.kernelA * self.kernelB, axis=2)  
        #important: the resulting shape should be:
            #(kernelSizeX, kernelSizeY, input_channels, output_channels)   

        #the following are remains of the original code for "build" in Conv2D
        #use_bias is True by default
        if self.use_bias:
            self.bias = self.add_weight(shape=(self.filters,),
            self.bias = None
        # Set input spec.
        self.input_spec = InputSpec(ndim=self.rank + 2,
                                axes={channel_axis: input_dim})
        self.built = True

Hints for custom layers

When you create a custom layer from zero (derived from Layer ), you should have these methods:

  • __init__(self, ... parameters ...) - this is the creator, it's called when you create a new instance of your layer. Here, you store the values the user passed as parameters. (In a Conv2D, the init would have the "filters", "kernel_size", etc.)
  • build(self, input_shape) - this is where you should create the weights (all learnable vars are created here, based on the input shape)
  • compute_output_shape(self,input_shape) - here you return the output shape based on the input shape
  • call(self,inputs) - Here you perform the actual layer calculations

Since we're not creating this layer from zero, but deriving it from Conv2D , everything is ready, all we did was to "change" the build method and replace what would be considered the kernel of the Conv2D layer.

More on custom layers: https://keras.io/layers/writing-your-own-keras-layers/

The call method for conv layers is here in class _Conv(Layer): .

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