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BinaryContent for a pdf is null

I am using Sonata Media Bundle to let users upload PDF files. I want to use Imagick to create a preview image of a pdf document. I have a $media object that holds information about my pdf.

When I do die(dump($media)) , I see a media object that includes the following line:

#providerReference: "3c4460aae99b0084d08252065bf3eea1817842d9.pdf"

... and opening that file via:

open -a Preview ./data/storage/faq/0001/01/3c4460aae99b0084d08252065bf3eea1817842d9.pdf

... on my mac yields a fully legible PDF.

The problem is that I also see the following line in the browser:

#binaryContent: null

... which means that I can't dump the binary content into a temporary file for the purpose of having Imagick manipulate it.

How do I get a file path that I can hand off to Imagick?

Here is roughly what worked in order to get me a useful reference to a file, complete with valid binary content.

public function preUpdate(Document $document)
    $media = $document->getMedia();
    if ($media === null) {
    $mediaName = $media->getName();
    if ($media->getContentType() !== 'application/pdf') {

    $context = $media->getContext();
    $formats = $pool->getFormatNamesByContext($context);

    if (null === $formats) {

    $provider = $this->getProvider($media->getProviderName());
    $publicUrls = [];

    $fullFilePath = $provider->getReferenceImage($media);



private function getPool()
    return $this->container->get('sonata.media.pool');


private function getProvider($name)
    return $this->container->get($name);

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