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Different Styling Classes for airbnb/react-dates

I'm currently having the problem that I leverage the Airbnb dates in two different locations within my React project. The dates are styled differently. Therefore, I created 2 separate CSS files that overwrite the default styling.

Even though, there are 2 different CSS files in 2 different locations the latest changes overwrite the initial styling changes. So for some reason, both datepickers share the same styling.

I want to mention that I use style-loaders.

Any ideas?


For anyone who comes across this now and also has this issue, you may have tried to use CSS modules since that would eliminate the “global CSS” problem.

However, I tried that and it doesn't load CSS module files so that won't work at all.

However, I was able to solve it by using styled-components. Each datepicker had it own component and I used styled-components to write a base container and then, ALL the override styles for each datepicker goes into that styled component.

Boom, that solves the problem of the CSS styling clashing globally.

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