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how to solve 403 - Forbidden in wordpress?

hello everyone i have a site like https://www.example.com/blog problem is that when i open my wordpress blog shows following error : 403 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory or you do not have enough permissions to access the resource


403 forbidden issue solved: it is because of the .htaccess corrupted file. How?

  1. Downloaded the .htaccess from Cpanel (public_html) to have a backup of it. and then, delete the file.

  2. Generate a fresh .htaccess file, by login to the WordPress dashboard, and click on Settings › Permalinks.

3)Without making any changed, click on the save changes button at the bottom of the page.

and it will generate a fresh .htaccess file for you

And refresh the site, the issue will be fixed.

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