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How to get img src in JS if its in svg?

I'm creating online application and I want to figure out in js what source do I have for image - png or svg.

I'm creating img tag:

            var url; //url to icon without extension, like `/img/icon`

            var img = new Image();

            img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous';
            img.onload = function () {

                //Here I want to know if src was png or svg

            img.onerror = function () {


            img.src = url;

Server serves svg for the url if svg is available OR png if svg is not available.

I can see in network tab when svg is served, so there should be a way to get this info in js as well. Or at least to understand that image was server in svg format.


How do I know in onload event of Image in which format was source received?

You can get the src onLoad by reference. Then split the string and look for svg at the end.

  ref={el => this.imageRef = el}
  onLoad={() => console.log(this.imageRef.src) }

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