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How to render array of component instances in vue.js?

I need to build list of dynamical components that I can group in group component. Then I need to send all information about builded components and groups.

I can use <component v-for="componentName in myComponents" :is="componentName"></component> , and get information about components using this.$children.map(component => component.getInformation()) , but then I can't move some component to group component, because I have only component name not the component instance with data (it just render with default data).

I also can use this:

  <div ref="container"> </div>

  import someComponent from 'someComponent.vue'
  import Vue from 'vue'

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        myComponents: []
    methods: {
      addSomeComponent () {
        let ComponentClass = Vue.extend(someComponent);
        let instance = new ComponentClass({});
      getInformation () {
        return this.myComponents.map(component => component.getInformation());

But then I can't use reactivity, directives (eg directives for drag and drop), and it's not data driven pattern.

Any suggestions?

    <div class="component">
        <template v-for="(child, index) in children()">
            <component :is="child" :key="child.name"></component>

  import someComponent from 'someComponent.vue'
  import Vue from 'vue'

  export default {
      methods: {
        children() {
            let ComponentClass = Vue.extend(someComponent);
            let instance = new ComponentClass({});

            return [

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