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Fill color of geom_rect with Plotly and Webgl

I am trying to create a plot in R with rectangles using ggplot2 with geom_rect() and converting to plotly with ggplotly . Also, because of my data size I would benefit from the webgl version of plotly. The problem is when I convert my plot using the function toWebGL() , the fill colors of my rectangles disappear. The follow code illustrate this:

data <- data.frame(x_start = c(0, 2, 4, 6),
               x_end = c(1, 3, 5, 7),
               y_start = c(0, 0, 2, 2),
               y_end = c(1, 1, 3, 3),
               info = c("x", "y", "x", "y"))

p <- ggplot(data ,aes(xmin=x_start, xmax=x_end, ymin=y_start, ymax=y_end, fill=info)) + geom_rect()
p_ply <- ggplotly(p)
p_ply_gl <- toWebGL(p_ply)

p_ply show correctly the plot, but p_ply_gl does not.

p_ply output: p_ply结果

p_ply_gl output: p_ply_gy结果

Also, if I add the color parameter in the aes , the webgl version show it (the border) correctly, but don't fill it.

Changing p for:

p <- ggplot(data ,aes(xmin=x_start, xmax=x_end, ymin=y_start, ymax=y_end, fill=info, color=info)) + geom_rect()

Makes p_ply_gl output: 带边框的p_ply_gl

First I check if it was something with the order of ggplot functions and aes , moved it to inside the geom_rect .

After that, I tried to get the last version of plotly with:

install.packages("plotly", type = "source")

But didn't work either.

I also tried to mess around with the style function of plotly , something like:

p_ply <- style(p_ply, fillcolor = "green")

But no success.

What am I missing?

这是一个错误,已在dev分支上进行了纠正,可以使用以下命令进行安装: devtools::install_github('ropensci/plotly')

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