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stop parent onClick when child is clicked (React or vanilla JS)

I have a sticky bar that I would like to let users close out by having an X in the right side with position: absolute . However, when clicked, it also fires off the "Share to Facebook" event. How do I stop this from happening?


JS File

return (
        <span className={'ShareCTA'}>
          {facebook.svg} Share on Facebook &trade;
            handleClick={function (e) { e.stopPropagation()/*attempted fix*/; console.log('closing'); return; }}>

CSS File (it's a sass file so no semicolons and stuff

  position fixed
  bottom 0
  z-index 9999
  display flex
  justify-content flex-end
  align-items center
  height 48px
  cursor pointer
  width 100%

    width 100%
    position relative
    display flex
    justify-content center
    align-items center
    font-size 20px
      height 20px

    position absolute
    z-index 99999
    right 10px
    border-radius 50%
    height 40px
    width 40px
    display flex
    justify-content center
    align-items center

stopPropagation will work like you have written, but the event handler for click events is called onClick , not handleClick :

  onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()}

Wrap the Share to Facebook text in a span and attach the onClick handler to that.

You shouldn't nest an element with an onClick inside another with an onClick.

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