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Drupal 7 - Detect if render($page['content']) contains specific content type

Noob junior here so apologies if this is basic and can't be done. I would, in the interest of developing my knowledge love feedback :)

Lets say I have a basic page:

1   <section>
2       <div class="container">
3           <?php print render($page['content']); ?>
4       </div>
5   </section>

In the rendered content there is a content type called 'fifty-fifty' which outputs:

<div class="fifty_fifty_banner">
    <div class="half">
    <div class="half">

What I need is for pages with that "fifty fifty" banner in to have a full width container and for other pages to have 960px width container.

In the first block of code, I would like line 2 to contain an if statement or some check that adds a class if it does, possible?

Edit 1:

Tried if(array_key_exists()) AND if(in_array()) on two pages, one with and one without the fifty fifty banner.

array_key_exists() returns false on both pages.

if(in_array()) returns true on both pages

I guess you could do something like this in your page.tpl.php file, to add a class for the Flexible Page Survey content type:

if ($variables['node']->type == 'content_type_machine_name' && isset($variables['node']->field_paragraph_name)) {
  <div class="add-your-class-here">




This will be your field_paragraph_name


Don't do any of the conditional work in the template itself.

Do the business logic in hook_preprocess_page() of template.php and simply modify the classes of the render block/html if the content type has the format you want in the soon-to-be-render render arrays.

Easiest way to do this is install the Context module . Steps as follows:

1.) Create a new context and set the node type to your content type under the Conditions 在此处输入图片说明 2.) Create a reaction and set it to theme html and give your body a class 在此处输入图片说明 3.) Style your css based off of said class off the body tag.

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