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Dynamic database connection after lift using sails js version 1

i want solution for MYsql only

I want to switch database on per request bases i have achieved it in previous versions of sails but with this new version (1.0.0) i am not able to do sails.js - I want to add DB connection dynamically after sails lift

there is no documentation for it

i have primary database lets say DB_A which i use as default datastore to authenticate users after it users have their own database to interact and after lift it can be any database present in system with which user can connect and fetch

a few option i discovered

1) reload orm

2) create-manager

but dont know how to work with it as none of them are suggested

can any one help me with it

I was facing the similar issue while I was using PostgreSQL in sails app. I found a workaround below. ie npm install pg. in your case install mysql plugin ie npm i mysql

I have created dbconnections.js in the sails app controllers folder

const a = {
  host: 'abc.com',
  port: 'xxxx',
  database: 'xxxx',
  user: 'xxxx',
  password: 'xxxx'

const b = {
  host: 'ecd.com',
 port: 'xxxx',
  database: 'xxxx',
  user: 'xxxx',
  password: 'xxxx'

module.exports = { a: a, b: b};

then in my other controllers I have used pg plugin to match with the user passed db env through api

ie in my other controller

var sourceFile = require('./dbconnections.js');

const {
    } = require('pg');

for your case you could follow this https://www.npmjs.com/package/mysql to create connection object and follow the below logic to dynamically connect to different dbs

    var match_env;

    for (x in sourceFile) {

      if (x === env) {
        match_env = sourceFile[x];


    const client = new Client(match_env)

now client object will have all postgresql transactions which one could execute, ie client.connect() const qry = "select * from person where city= "newyork"; client.query(qry, function (err, resp) {

    console.log("before", client)

    console.log("after", client)
    //user = JSON.parse(user);
    if (err) {
      return res.json({
        error: err
    if (resp === undefined) {
      return res.notFound();
    } else
    return res.json({
      userData: resp.rows



Based on the use case we could move the above code to other js file and call in as many controller as we can and this would work with multiple for multiple db connections of postgres sql in sails app.

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