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HttpContext works differently in visual studio Code with OmniSharp extension

I installed Visual Studio Code and install C# Extension


When I open existing Asp.Net Core 2 project I can edit files and run web server with debug option ( Debug > Start Debugging )

But then I got null exception about HttpContext (debug from visual studio 2017 do not throw this error)

@User.Identity.Name.Replace(@"Domain\", string.Empty)

When I change code to


It works. So it seems to me that C# Extension run different web server or with different settings than Visual Studio 2017. I have assumption that issue can be in Windows Authentication setting , but i dont have clue where to setup this ?

Any idea ?

This is related with hosting Asp.Net Core . In general, there are three options for launching new project, IIS , IIS Express and Project . When launching from VS 2017 , you may use IIS Express which supports Windows Authentcation and you could configure it by launchsettings.json .

But, launching from IIS or IIS Express is not supported in VS Code . Then you will lauch .NET Core by Project when using VS Code . When you use self-hosted by Project , you will need to use Http.sys with Windows Authencation to support Windows Authentication .

For resolving your issue, you could modify Program.cs like below to use Http.sys with Windows Authentcation .

public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
                .UseHttpSys(options => {
                    options.Authentication.Schemes =
                        AuthenticationSchemes.NTLM | AuthenticationSchemes.Negotiate;
                        options.Authentication.AllowAnonymous = false;

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