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Kohana 3.3 Routing with subfolders working on Windows but failed on Linux

I use kohana 3.3 ( https://github.com/koseven/koseven ) and have added this controllers:


Each folder includes few controllers:


In Windows this routing working fine, but on Linux thats not working and show 404:

Route::set('mycontroller', '<directory>/<controller>/<action>', array(
    'directory' => 'myfolder/subfolder1|myfolder/subfolder2|myfolder/subfolder3',

I must create a route for every controller like:

Route::set('myfolder/subfolder1', 'myfolder/subfolder1/<controller>/<action>')
    'directory' => 'Myfolder/Subfolder1',
Route::set('myfolder/subfolder2', 'myfolder/subfolder2/<controller>/<action>')
    'directory' => 'Myfolder/Subfolder2',

What is my mistake on Linux? And no, its not help to uppercase to this (thats not working on Windows and Linux, its must be lowercase):

Route::set('mycontroller', '<directory>/<controller>/<action>', array(
    'directory' => 'Myfolder/Subfolder1|Myfolder/Subfolder2|Myfolder/Subfolder3',

Linux is case sensitive filesystem.

<direcotry> shouldn't contains / . Try use Cascading Filesystem and myfolder_subfolder1 or route filters to change case in direcotry

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