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iOS Localization using Xib & Swift: Can someone help me to make an multilingual app using XIB (not Storyboard) and Swift?

I searched for tutorials for localization but all are for storyboard, my app is made up in xib. I also want to make the language change option inside my app using buttons, instead of changing it from Settings.

You can use XMLParser for this feature.

  • Place all your string inside an XML file and then read data from a file for the selected language.
  • In delegate get a dictionary or key-value pair for string and then assign it to the label.



    let xmlParser: XMLParser = XMLParser()
    xmlParser.delegate = self
    xmlParser.parseXml(withLanguageIndex: baseIndex)

// In delegate XMLParserDelegate

func getValues(_ valueDict: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
    stringsXMLDict = valueDict

Hope it will help you. Happy Coddling:)

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