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reshape data.table using by

I have a data.table where the data I want is structured in a diagonal fashion.

month <- c(201406, 201406, 201406, 201406, 201406, 201406, 201406, 201406, 
201406, 201406, 201406, 201406)
code <- c("498A01", "498A01", "498A01", "498A01", "498A01", "498A01", "498A01", "498A01", 
"498A01", "498A01", "498A01", "498A01")
col.a <- c("service", "base charge", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
col.b <- c("", "", "description", "per unit", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
col.c <- c("", "", "", "", "rate", 6859, "", "", "", "", "", "")
col.d <- c("", "", "", "", "", "", "quantity", 1, "", "", "", "")
col.e <- c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "total charge", 6859, "", "")
col.f <- c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")   
dt <- data.table(month, code, col.a, col.b, col.c, col.d, col.e, col.f)

However, I need to organize the data in a more coherent fashion to simplify dt I am fairly new to data.table and I was wondering if there was a straightforward way to do so.

For col.a I know the following works for one column:

dt <- dt[col.a != "", 1:8, by = .(code, month)

But when I try for multiple columns it returns a data table with 0 obs. I suppose I could do that for all of the columns and then do some kind of merge but that seems inefficient and cumbersome. Is there a better way?

My desired output is:

   month   code      col.a      col.b     col.c   col.d       col.e    col.f
1: 201406 498A01     service description   rate quantity total charge       
2: 201406 498A01 base charge    per unit   6859        1         6859 

So for each unique combination of code and month I want to remove the empty cells and collapse the data to look like it does above. I need to keep the col.f1 because it may not always be blank.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Are you looking for something like

dt[, lapply(.SD, function(x) x[x!=""][1:2]), by=.(month, code)]


    month   code       col.a       col.b col.c    col.d        col.e col.f
1: 201406 498A01     service description  rate quantity total charge  <NA>
2: 201406 498A01 base charge    per unit  6859        1         6859  <NA>

Or in base R:

do.call(rbind, by(dt, paste(dt$month, dt$code), 
    function(y) do.call(cbind, lapply(y, function(x) x[x!=""][1:2]))))


     month    code     col.a         col.b         col.c  col.d      col.e          col.f
[1,] "201406" "498A01" "service"     "description" "rate" "quantity" "total charge" NA   
[2,] "201406" "498A01" "base charge" "per unit"    "6859" "1"        "6859"         NA   

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